Update from Meagan Robbins:
Over the last year, the Communications Committee has been contemplating the best way to reach and serve OMA membership. In the past, we’ve had various levels of communication via social media and The Navigator, our biannual newsletter. We may be moving away from the more traditional newsletter format so that we can create more interactivity within our community in the coming year. Current news will be featured on the website and blog (which is what you are reading now). Additionally, we continue to send our monthly Flash emails, containing all the latest news and relevant information for OMA members.
Our focus for 2020 will be exploring how we can incorporate more options for OMA members to engage–with us and with each other. First, make sure to link to us on Facebook. We will be ramping up LinkedIn and Twitter again soon. Additionally, expect to hear more about how OMA’s listserve can add value to your practice and involvement with mediation and ADR. Many OMA members don’t know joining the listserve is an option, or forget to sign up. In an effort to be more inclusive, members will automatically be added to the listserve database when they join or renew their membership. Folks who are uninterested may opt out. We will also be surveying the membership to gather input on what topics or information would be useful to see on the listserve and social media too. This can be a great resource for support and wisdom from the larger community if used well!
Please leave us your feedback, this is your Association and we want to hear from you.